Monday, 26 November 2018

How time flies

It's already a couple of weeks since my last post - where do the days go?  Despite the time seeming to pass quickly there's not much to write about today, largely because Ian and I between us have been ill over the past few days - we've both had really awful colds so have been pretty much housebound.  Clearly we need to build up resistance to these northern germs 🤣

Most of my time at the moment is being spent job-hunting.  I knew finding work up here wouldn't be as easy as it might be in the south-east but I hadn't anticipated just how difficult it would be.  There are very few suitable positions available within a reasonable commute.

I had an interview with the North York Moors National Park Authority early last week, an organisation I would love to work for (post script I wasn't offered the job).  As I travelled back across the Moors I drove through heavy rain and sunshine which created the most beautiful double rainbow.  Unfortunately I was unable to stop and take photos.  However, the cloud formations in the dying light were also impressive and eventually I was able to pull over and take a couple of pictures (these were taken on my mobile phone as I've yet to get my new 'proper' camera out of it's box)!


  1. Just got round to reading your blog, so glad I did. Looking forward to hearing of future adventures and developments xx

  2. Thanks Gill! I'll keep posting; the aim is update you all at least weekly, more often if we're busy enough!
