Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Bridestones Visited

With the festivities well and truly behind us our focus now is on getting Old Bears Barn ready to accept B&B guests so with that in mind we sat down this morning to draw up a task list - tasks both big and small, short- and long-term that need to be done in order to get the B&B up and running.  It's surprising, and scary, just how much there is still to do!!!  However, the task list was a good start in the right direction so having accomplished that we decided it would be good to get out and get some fresh air and exercise.

A quick Google search later and we headed out by car to Dalby Forest with the specific intention of visiting the Bridestones: a Jurassic sedimentary rock formation deposited 150 million years ago.

The weather wasn't looking too good; as we drove south we could see the rainclouds lying low in the direction we were headed but when we arrived at our destination the skies had cleared and the sun was shining.

We parked in Staindale carpark within the forest, donned our warm clothes and walking boots, and off we went.  The trail was clearly marked and took us first through woodland then up onto moorland where the stones reside.  In all we were walking for about an hour - a short hike but none the less invigorating for that!

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